2011-02-15 08:47 tbaumgart * cmake/modules/FindLibOfx.cmake: Make libofx 0.9.2 the minimum requirement. Can be overridden by applying e.g. -DLIBOFX_MIN_VERSION=0.9.0 2011-02-15 21:08 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/mymoneyqifprofileeditor.cpp: Remove dead code since we definitely don't support KDE 3.1 anymore :). 2011-02-21 20:23 tbaumgart * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp: Removed duplicate if statement Fixed comments 2011-02-21 20:24 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: Attach storage after it has been loaded to prefill cache 2011-02-21 20:27 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyobjecttest.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-02-21 20:29 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyobjectcontainer.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyobjectcontainer.h: Optimized account retrieval Added method to obtain pointer to cached object Added preload method for schedules 2011-02-21 20:30 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.h: Added fine grained notification handling Added testcases for notification handling 2011-02-21 20:30 tbaumgart * libkgpgfile/kgpgfile.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-02-21 20:31 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-02-21 20:32 tbaumgart * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneylineedit.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-02-21 20:33 tbaumgart * kmymoney/CMakeLists.txt: Install application icon in /hicolor/ sub-directory. Patch provided by Rex Dieter 2011-02-22 09:42 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.h: Added tests for the balanceChange signal 2011-02-22 09:42 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp: Fix emission of the balanceChange signal 2011-02-22 13:10 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneykeyvaluecontainer.cpp: Resolved krazy warning 2011-02-22 13:35 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp: Resolved krazy warning 2011-02-22 13:49 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/webpricequote.cpp: Added Cash CH as online source as proposed by Andreas Christ in mail dated Sat, 19 Feb 2011 13:24:08 +0100 to kmymoney2-developer@lists.sourceforge.net 2011-02-23 00:12 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlgdecl.ui, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlgdecl.ui, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/parsedatatest.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/parsedatatest.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.h: Further change to CSV Plugin, following suggestions that the UI be revised to use tabs. Because this involved combining two UIs into one, and because of similarities in widget naming, a considerable amount of renaming has taken place, adding to the patch size. Another suggestion was to allow selection of the decimal symbol, so this is catered for. While doing this, some identical code was removed from the two major classes and combined in a common class. 2011-02-23 07:22 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/CMakeLists.txt: Removed deleted file 2011-02-24 09:04 tbaumgart * kmymoney/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/converter/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/dialogs/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/mymoney/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/mymoney/storage/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.h, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/numbertowords.h, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/printcheck.cpp, kmymoney/views/CMakeLists.txt, libkgpgfile/CMakeLists.txt: Don't create symbolic links for headers anymore 2011-02-26 00:52 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlgdecl.ui, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h: UI drastically pruned by Thomas, although I have reduced its startup width, to ensure the relationship between the radio buttons and the Amount/Debit/Credit comboboxes is more clear to new users. Added decimal symbol functionality to Investment classes. Implement fix for Bug 267029. 2011-02-26 08:03 conet * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp: Remove unused include and add the necessary includes (I was getting a build error with -j 5). 2011-02-26 09:11 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlgdecl.ui: Simplified dialog layout 2011-02-27 08:24 fabo * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneytitlelabel.cpp: Fix build on ARM architecture 2011-03-01 23:52 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.h: Tighten up detection of errors in selection of decimal symbol incompatible with imported data, and provide better warnings of risk of invalid imports. Decimal symbol checking logic moved to csvutil, to be shared between banking and investment, and between the UI and the import process. 2011-03-04 20:28 tbaumgart * cmake/modules/FindLibalkimia.cmake: Added module to find libalkimia 2011-03-04 20:29 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/webpricequote.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-03-04 20:30 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:34 tbaumgart * kmymoney/dialogs/knewequityentrydlg.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/transactionmatcher.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:36 tbaumgart * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:37 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyforecasttest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoney.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoney.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoneytest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoneytest.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyutils.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyutils.h: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:39 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/CMakeLists.txt: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:39 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/parsedatatest.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-03-04 20:40 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/schedulestoicalendar.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:40 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:40 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/CMakeLists.txt: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:41 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/numbertowords.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/printcheck.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:41 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/reconciliationreport/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/reconciliationreport/reconciliationreport.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:42 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/CMakeLists.txt: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:48 tbaumgart * kmymoney/reports/pivottabletest.cpp, kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:49 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kaccountsview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kbudgetview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kcategoriesview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kforecastview.cpp, kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kinstitutionsview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kscheduledview.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:49 tbaumgart * kmymoney/widgets/transaction.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:51 tbaumgart * kmymoney/wizards/newaccountwizard/knewaccountwizard.cpp, kmymoney/wizards/newinvestmentwizard/knewinvestmentwizard.cpp, kmymoney/wizards/newloanwizard/durationwizardpage.cpp, kmymoney/wizards/newloanwizard/knewloanwizard.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:52 tbaumgart * kmymoney/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-04 20:52 tbaumgart * CMakeLists.txt: Integration of Alkimia 2011-03-05 21:48 conet * kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/check_template.html, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/check_template_green_linen.html, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/numbertowords.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/printcheck.cpp: Printcheck plugin fixes: - fix typo - added payee's post code - fix a rounding bug when displaying the fraction as string - add a check templated created by Bob Donnelly 2011-03-05 22:15 conet * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp: Make dialog title translatable, remove the unnecessary icon and forward declaration. 2011-03-06 13:26 tbaumgart * cmake/modules/FindLibalkimia.cmake: Removing duplicate code 2011-03-06 18:45 tbaumgart * kmymoney/wizards/newinvestmentwizard/knewinvestmentwizard.cpp: Fix to allow changing the fraction of an investment 2011-03-06 18:54 tbaumgart * kmymoney/dialogs/knewequityentrydlg.cpp: Fix to allow changing the fraction of an investment 2011-03-07 08:34 mlaurent * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlgdecl.ui: fix ui files 2011-03-07 08:36 mlaurent * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp: add missing i18n(...) 2011-03-07 17:52 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/kcurrencycalculatordecl.ui: Remove reference to buttons that do not exist in the UI file. 2011-03-07 19:20 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/kmm_csvimport.desktop: Fixed URL 2011-03-10 13:28 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: Don't show root decoriation in navigation panel when in tree view mode REVIEW: 6592 2011-03-12 11:03 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp, kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.h, kmymoney/models/models.cpp, kmymoney/models/models.h, kmymoney/views/kinstitutionsview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: Instead of synchronizing the whole account tree on each data changed take advantage of the new, more granular, signals and perform the appropriate modifications in the model's data after it has been loaded once. Also create a separate instance for the institutions model. This change has the following rationale. Mixing the two hierarchies in the same model (by account type and institution) would make it difficult to implement changes since depending on the changes it would imply structural modifications in only one instance of the same account. So for example changing the institution means a structural change in the institution hierarchy but no change in the accounts by type hierarchy. Separating the two hierarchies means that one account can be found only once in the model and it also simplifies the implementation of the modifications slots. REVIEW: 6589 BUG: 230277 2011-03-12 20:31 conet * kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/icalendarexport.cpp: Fix the icalendar export action. 2011-03-13 18:37 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp: BUG: 230277 The 'hide unused institutions' implementation was not working correctly if one institution had child accounts. Fix that by handling only empty institutions (with no accounts) with the flag (hideClosedAccounts()) and all the other institutions with the visibility of it's children. 2011-03-13 22:15 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp, kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.h, kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: Ran astyle (I found a package for 1.23). 2011-03-13 22:30 conet * astyle-kmymoney.sh: Since only one version of astyle is used at a time make that version explicit (for now 1.23). 2011-03-14 19:41 conet * kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/icalendarexport.cpp: Once we set a value in the config write it. 2011-03-15 10:46 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvdatetest.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvdatetest.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/kmm_csvimport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/parsedatatest.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/parsedatatest.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/symboltest.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/symboltest.h: With the recent addition of choice of decimal symbol, a number of unit tests have been added to deal with the complexities of data formats, and to make easier the addition of further tests, should they be necessary. Also, with the new tabbed UI, there are separate tabs for banking and investment, but just one, common table. When switching tabs, the table gets cleared, but if the user accidentally clicks the wrong tab, it is necessary to reselect and reload the file. I have added logic to issue a warning to guard against this accidental choice. Further, I have added an '*' to the label of whichever is the active tab, again to remind the user. 2011-03-18 11:39 allananderson * kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kinvestmentviewdecl.ui: Allow the Account Selector comboboxes in Ledger View and Investment View to stretch, as the present width can be too narrow. 2011-03-19 11:19 conet * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/parsedatatest.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.cpp, kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp: Ran astyle-kmymoney.sh 2011-03-20 12:01 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp: BUG: 268953 Ignore changes to income/expense accounts in the institutions model since they are not in the model. 2011-03-21 19:33 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp: Removed extra dot 2011-03-24 17:43 conet * kmymoney/views/kaccountsviewdecl.ui: BUG: 269268 Drag and drop should have never been enabled between the different account lists in icon mode only internal moves are supported. 2011-03-26 22:04 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kcm_printcheck.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kcm_printcheck.h, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/pluginsettingsdecl.ui: Fix connection setup Avoid error messages in case of empty URL 2011-04-09 10:16 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/kmymoneysplittable.cpp, kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/register.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/transactionform.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/transactionform.h: Properly render the transaction form when custom colors are used. 2011-04-09 10:44 conet * kmymoney/views/kbudgetview.cpp: BUG: 270493 Don't try to access data from the MyMoneyFile if there is no storage attached. Somehow Qt calls data upon destruction of the application (from a size hint). 2011-04-10 10:25 tbaumgart * kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp: Avoid some anomalies when selecting an account and switching from depost/withdrawal to transfer 2011-04-14 05:29 conet * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kcm_printcheck.cpp: Ran astyle-kmymoney.sh. 2011-04-17 19:07 conet * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp: Notify about balanceChanged only for accounts which have not been deleted. Otherwise an exception will be thrown while accessing the and already deleted account from the cache to emit the balanceChanged signal. This happens when deleting categories and reassigning transactions to other categories. Found while trying to reproduce BUG: 258883 2011-04-17 19:11 conet * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Display the correct account name. The wrong account name was displayed since by the time the error message was displayed d->m_selectedAccount was already set to another account because the view received the objectRemoved signal. Found while trying to reproduce BUG: 258883 2011-04-17 20:22 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/knewaccountdlg.cpp: Fix a minor UI issue when creating a new category without selecting before that an account/category. Usually the user would be left with an empty hierarchy selection tree. Now the hierarchy tree is always computed based on the type of the newly created/edited account. 2011-04-27 02:43 fvilas * kmymoney/dialogs/kselectdatabasedlg.cpp: BUG: 263983 Fix opening password protected databases when db was last used file. Patch provided by Alexey 2011-04-28 06:56 scripty * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/kmm_csvimport.desktop: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) 2011-05-02 00:45 asoliverez * kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp: Fix reporting of dividends and added shares. Patch provided by Jose Arthur Benetasso Villanova. BUG:271463 2011-05-03 00:32 asoliverez * kmymoney/views/kpayeesview.cpp: Removed setting the flags of each PayeeItem individually. This should solve the performance problem when managing payees. BUG:268274 2011-05-03 06:00 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/dialogs/mymoneyofxconnector.cpp: Added more AppId mappings for newer Quicken versions 2011-05-04 17:00 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.h, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlgdecl.ui, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investmentdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h: Previously, it was necessary to type in the name whenever a security was to be imported. Instead, a KComboBox is used, and security names entered are saved in the resource file, to save inputting each time. A button has been added to allow removal of any unwanted or erroneous names from the selection list. Also, a decimal separator now has to be selected before import, to avoid accidental use of a previous, wrong type, which could affect imported values. 2011-05-05 20:20 conet * libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianDiagramDataCompressor_p.cpp: BUG: 272568 Fix a bad implementation of CartesianDiagramDataCompressor::isValidCachePosition. If you look at how m_data is used at line 771 and other places you'll know why it needed the fix. Alvaro, what is the procedure when there is a bug in libkdchart? 2011-05-05 21:41 conet * kmymoney/html/images/bottomleft.png, kmymoney/html/images/topleft.png: BUG: 271848 Increase the width of the used PNGs from 1275 to 1900 (that should be enough for now). 2011-05-06 19:19 conet * kmymoney/reports/listtable.cpp: Fix displaying percentages like '50%' instead of '50%%'. 2011-05-06 19:21 conet * kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp: BUG: 271914 When XIRR returns Nan display 0% instead of issuing an arithmetic exception. 2011-05-07 07:40 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyaccount.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyaccount.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyaccounttest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyaccounttest.h: Added methods to keep reconciliation history with an account 2011-05-07 10:09 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp, kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.h, kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: BUG: 272659 Add a valueChanged signal to the MyMoneyFile and use it to update the value of the accounts wherever they are rendered. The valueChanged approach was chosen because the value concept is very similar to the balance concept. Plus fix the added/modified/removed notifications for schedule and security objects (observed during work on this). 2011-05-07 10:37 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp: Show scheduled transactions in the ledger with the adjusted date if adjustment option is in effect 2011-05-07 13:00 tbaumgart * kmymoney/widgets/stdtransactionmatched.cpp: Show multi line memos in a single register line 2011-05-07 13:03 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp: Add information about remote account to memo Improve detection of correct account for download 2011-05-07 13:09 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.h, kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp: Ran astyle 2011-05-07 13:13 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp, kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.h: BUG: 272659 The net worth and profit where only computed after the initial load. Fixed this. Thanks David for catching it! 2011-05-07 16:20 tbaumgart * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Keep track of a reconciliation 2011-05-07 16:23 tbaumgart * kmymoney/main.cpp: Added a command line option to turn off the global try/catch block. In some scenarios this will provide us with more information in a backtrace. 2011-05-07 16:28 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.h: Show the sum of amounts when multiple transactions are selected in the ledger 2011-05-08 09:16 conet * CMakeLists.txt: BUG: 269621 From the description of the policy the new behavior seems safer. 2011-05-09 17:14 tbaumgart * CMakeLists.txt: Only use CMP0017 where available 2011-05-10 17:53 conet * kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp: BUG: 272962 Display the correct balance in investment accounts. 2011-05-10 17:54 conet * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.cpp: Ran astyle-kmymoney.sh. 2011-05-10 18:02 conet * .: Add some useful svn:ignore patterns. 2011-05-10 19:49 conet * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyaccount.cpp: Removed a useless warning which evolved into a warning from an assert. Since the situation is perfectly valid in the schedules editor where an empty MyMoneyAccount object is used until an account is selected the assertion is no longer valid and can be safely removed. 2011-05-10 20:27 conet * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.h, kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/icalendarexport.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/icalendarexport.h, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/mymoneybanking.h, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.h, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/printcheck.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/printcheck.h, kmymoney/plugins/reconciliationreport/reconciliationreport.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/reconciliationreport/reconciliationreport.h: Port the plugins to the new KDE4 plugin API as documented in KDE4PORTING.html the section about KGenericFactory. This will also get rid of those plugin warnings "...does not offer a qt_plugin_instance function". 2011-05-12 07:21 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneydatabasemgrtest.cpp: Place the database in the directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR. If not set, use current directory as before. 2011-05-14 09:09 conet * kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp: BUG: 262095 When loading the ledger initially we notify everyone that no transaction is selected. After finishing make sure we let them know again what transaction are selected. In short keep KMyMoneyApp's (the one handling the actions) selected transactions list in sync with the transactions selected in the ledger. 2011-05-14 09:13 conet * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Make the code more simple. 2011-05-14 09:17 conet * kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneydatabasemgrtest.cpp: Ran astyle-kmymoney.sh. The switch between '//"QMYSQL&mode=single";' and '"QSQLITE&mode=single";' was done to keep the desired formatting. 2011-05-14 11:57 conet * kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp, kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.h: BUG: 272141 KMyMoney charts now use the colors obtained from the system settings instead of the default ones setup in KDChart. This allows using the charts with a dark color scheme. 2011-05-14 12:35 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsreportsdecl.ui, kmymoney/kmymoney.kcfg, kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp: Let the user choose his own palette for rendering the charts. This should satisfy all those who complained that the chart colors "are not that appropriate". If the palettes provided by KDChart are still not good enough I invite anyone with an artistic side to come up with a better palette. 2011-05-14 13:36 conet * kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp, kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.h, kmymoney/views/kreportsview.cpp: Cleanup (we don't need mouse tracking anymore) and ran astyle (sorry for the combined change). 2011-05-14 14:28 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsreportsdecl.ui, kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp: BUG: 265728 Sorry for the multiple changes (again) astyle keeps getting in my way: 1. Whitespace changes - astyle's fault 2. Removal of takeAxis-deleteAxis - if it's not needed by bar charts it shouldn't be needed by line charts (the chart will delete the axis) 3. The actual bugfix - this is a longer story see bellow I managed to reproduce the bug described here by running the following steps (note that it will only work on a chart without a legend): a. Press configure of a custom line chart without a legend (more items the the report setting) b. Press cancel without changing anything c. observe that the charts content is not visible d. there are multiple ways to make it visible, resize the window, toggle chart/report/chart, etc. The bottom line is that KDChart doesn't handle well charts without legends. So the fix involves changing a feature we already have. Right now if the number of items was greater then a configuration setting we just hid the legend. Change this to always show the legend with a maximum of items given by the configuration setting... I hope this change feels right to everyone (otherwise we should hide the legend when the setting is 0 and fix KDChart to work without a legend) This was a long description :) 2011-05-15 07:54 conet * kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp, kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.h: BUG: 265728 Automatically adjust the maximum height of the legend to the height of the widget that displays the chart. This was the user will see as many items he has configured adjusted to the actual size of the widget. This fixes the second remark posted in this report. Since I didn't find a way to do this using KDChart configuration I used resizeEvent to adjust the maximumHeight (since we position the legend at East) of the legend. 2011-05-15 08:09 conet * kmymoney/views/khomeview.cpp: Use the entire width of the home view to display the budgets section. 2011-05-15 14:49 mjansen * kmymoney/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/mymoney/CMakeLists.txt: Fix build. - libalkimia now is a seperate project. Use LIBALKIMIA_INCLUDE_DIR . - kmymoneyglobalsettings.cpp already uses mymoney/... . So move adding the include_dir up there. 2011-05-16 18:35 conet * kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp: BUG: 265728 Automatically adjust the maximum width of the legend to the width of the widget that displays the chart. 2011-05-17 08:39 scripty * developer-doc/phb/kmymoney-developer.desktop, kmymoney/kmymoney.desktop: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) 2011-05-18 16:13 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycompletion.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneyselector.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneyselector.h: BUG: 263087 Remove the delayed scroll to item because storing a pointer to a tree view item and using it later (after the event loop has run) is a good way to obtain a crash. The reason why the delayed scroll to item was used in the first place is no longer valid from what I can see (the selected item is highlighted correctly in the account combo). Anyway it's better to have an item that is not highlighted then a crash. 2011-05-19 05:02 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycombo.cpp: Preserve the selection in the account combobox when, by double clicking on the arrow, all the items from the dropdown are made visible again. Since making all items visible is done by calling the completion slot with an empty string this clears the selection (but keeps the current item). Use the current item to restore the selection in this case. 2011-05-21 06:32 conet * kmymoney/widgets/CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneytitlelabel.png: Remove unused file. 2011-05-21 07:27 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneyedit.cpp: BUG: 257373 BUG: 272684 Don't set a fixed width and height for the calculator button. We don't do that for the calendar button of the dateinput either and it seems to work correctly. 257373 - I'm not sure that this is fixed since I don't have a way to test it; please reopen it if it's still present 272684 - It seems that because the button was smaller that it's needed size it's background was not filled now it works as expected 2011-05-21 07:29 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycombo.cpp: Ran astyle-kmymoney.sh (I have to remember to run this before committing something). 2011-05-21 07:55 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsreportsdecl.ui: Add translation disambiguation to KDChart palette setting values. 2011-05-21 08:26 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/kreportconfigurationfilterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/reports/pivottable.cpp: BUG: 258974 Prevent two different translations of an entity that is referenced by the translated string. Is something is still wrong after this fix don't crash anyway output a warning instead. 2011-05-21 19:52 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/investactivities.cpp: BUG 273669: The warnings are only relevant when the transaction form is used since only the from contains labels. 2011-05-22 11:30 allananderson * kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/redefinedlg.cpp: transactioneditor.cpp At the moment pricing information is retained only from imported transactions. This fix is to retain prices entered in manually added or edited transactions. redefinedlg.cpp Fix to avoid crash through accessing an invalid column. csvimporterdlg.cpp Amend warning message which could be confusing in certain circumstances. csvutil.cpp Fix to improve handling of decimal symbol parsing, where more than two decimal places. 2011-05-22 14:52 conet * kmymoney/widgets/register.cpp: BUG: 270752 This bug was introduced by revision 1207610. Since that code sets the mouse button to Qt::RightButton the selectItem call from KGlobalLedgerView::selectEmptyTransaction would not go trough the normal codepath (marked by the '// we get here when called by application logic' comment) but trough the codepath handling the selection when the right button is pressed. But since that code was not working since the port to KDE4 (already fixed in Register::contextMenuEvent) the last item of the register would not get selected and thus provoking this bug. Remove the invalid/unused right button handling in selectItem and reset the mouse button and the modifier on right click (Register::contextMenuEvent). 2011-05-22 18:01 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/kmymoneysplittable.cpp: BUG: 273887 1. On double click call createEditWidgets directly with setFocus=false to avoid setting the focus on the category widget 2. Set the focus and select all depending on the column being clicked on 3. By set focus we mean set focus and select all 2011-05-22 18:20 conet * kmymoney/converter/mymoneygncreader.cpp, kmymoney/converter/webpricequote.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactionfilter.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneydbdriver.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragesql.cpp, kmymoney/views/kscheduledview.cpp, kmymoney/wizards/newloanwizard/keditloanwizard.cpp: BUG: 273770 Replace all usage of qFatal with qWarning in KMyMoney. I mean I've heard of assertive programming but this pushes it over the edge. qFatal('Can't open file') - I prefer letting the user know that there was an error and keep running to bringing down the whole application (it provides a feeling of instability) over a file open failure. If I went too far with this change sorry but I prefer discussing re-adding the qFatal calls on a point-by-point basis. In most cases it's a shortcut for poor error handling. 2011-05-24 17:06 conet * libkdchart/Doxyfile, libkdchart/README.txt, libkdchart/kdablibfakes/src/KDABLibFakes.h, libkdchart/src/CartesianCoordinateTransformation.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractArea.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractArea.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAreaBase.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAreaBase.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAreaBase_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAreaWidget.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAreaWidget.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAreaWidget_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractArea_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAxis.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAxis.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractAxis_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractCartesianDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractCoordinatePlane_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractGrid.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractGrid.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractPieDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractPieDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractPieDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractPolarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractProxyModel.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractProxyModel.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractThreeDAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractThreeDAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAbstractThreeDAttributes_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartAttributesModel.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAttributesModel.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartBackgroundAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartBackgroundAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartBarAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartBarAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartBarDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartBarDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianAxis.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianAxis.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianAxis_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianCoordinatePlane.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianCoordinatePlane.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianCoordinatePlane_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianDiagramDataCompressor_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianDiagramDataCompressor_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianGrid.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianGrid.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartChart.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartChart.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartChart_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartDataValueAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartDataValueAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartDatasetProxyModel.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartDatasetProxyModel.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartDatasetSelector.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartDatasetSelector.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartDiagramObserver.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartDiagramObserver.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartEnums.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartFrameAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartFrameAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartGlobal.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartGridAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartGridAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartHeaderFooter.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartHeaderFooter.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartHeaderFooter_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartLayoutItems.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartLayoutItems.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartLegend.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartLegend.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartLegend_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartLineAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartLineAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartLineDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartLineDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartLineDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartLineDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartMarkerAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartMarkerAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartMeasure.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartMeasure.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartModelDataCache_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartModelDataCache_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalLineDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalLineDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalLyingBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalLyingBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalPlotter_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartNormalPlotter_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartNullPaintDevice.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPaintContext.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPaintContext.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPainterSaver_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPalette.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPalette.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentLineDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentLineDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentLyingBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentLyingBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentPlotter_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPercentPlotter_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPieAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPieAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPieAttributes_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPieDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPieDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPieDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPlotter.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPlotter.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPlotter_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPlotter_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarCoordinatePlane.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarCoordinatePlane.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarCoordinatePlane_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarGrid.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPolarGrid.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPosition.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPosition.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartPrintingParameters.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartPrintingParameters.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartRelativePosition.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartRelativePosition.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartRingDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartRingDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartRingDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartRulerAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartRulerAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartSignalCompressor.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartSignalCompressor.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartStackedBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartStackedBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartStackedLineDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartStackedLineDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartStackedLyingBarDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartStackedLyingBarDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartStockBarAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartStockBarAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartStockDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartStockDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartStockDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartStockDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartTextArea.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartTextArea.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartTextArea_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartTextAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartTextAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDBarAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDBarAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDBarAttributes_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDLineAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDLineAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDLineAttributes_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDPieAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDPieAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartThreeDPieAttributes_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartValueTrackerAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartValueTrackerAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartWidget.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartWidget.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartWidget_p.h, libkdchart/src/KDChartZoomParameters.h, libkdchart/src/KDTextDocument.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDTextDocument.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsAxis.cpp, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsAxis.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsAxis_p.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane.cpp, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsCoordinatePlane_p.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsDiagram_p.cpp, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsGrid.cpp, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsGrid.h, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsGridAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/LeveyJennings/KDChartLeveyJenningsGridAttributes.h, libkdchart/src/PrerenderedElements/KDChartTextLabelCache.cpp, libkdchart/src/PrerenderedElements/KDChartTextLabelCache.h, libkdchart/src/Scenery/ChartGraphicsItem.cpp, libkdchart/src/Scenery/ChartGraphicsItem.h, libkdchart/src/Scenery/ReverseMapper.cpp, libkdchart/src/Scenery/ReverseMapper.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartAbstractTernaryDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartAbstractTernaryDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartAbstractTernaryDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryAxis.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryAxis.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryCoordinatePlane.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryCoordinatePlane.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryCoordinatePlane_p.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryGrid.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryGrid.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryLineDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryLineDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryLineDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryPointDiagram.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryPointDiagram.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/KDChartTernaryPointDiagram_p.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/TernaryConstants.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/TernaryConstants.h, libkdchart/src/Ternary/TernaryPoint.cpp, libkdchart/src/Ternary/TernaryPoint.h, libkdchart/src/kdchart_export.h: Upgrade our copy of KDChart to version 2.4.1 2011-05-24 17:23 conet * kmymoney/reports/kreportchartview.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianAxis.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartRulerAttributes.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartRulerAttributes.h: BUG: 256927 Always draw the chart axes, thanks to KDAB for the patch. 2011-05-24 17:52 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneyedit.cpp: BUG: 257373 Don't set a fixed width and height for the reset button (same as the calculator button fix). 2011-05-26 18:11 mjansen * kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kcm_kmm_printcheck.desktop: kcmshell is named kcmshell4 these days. 2011-05-27 09:58 allananderson * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp: The account contained in the 'L' record gets passed correctly from kmymoney/kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp to mymoneystatementreader.cpp, as 'brokerageaccount'. There, however, the 'brokerageactid' does not get set correctly. BUG: 273950 REVIEW: 6688 2011-05-28 13:12 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp: BUG: 274308 Crash when the balance of an equity account was changed since equity accounts are not represented in the institutions model. 2011-05-28 16:19 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kpayeesview.cpp: Clear search widget before using after update BUG: 269184 2011-05-28 18:03 conet * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp: The dot is not correct after the question mark. 2011-05-28 18:05 conet * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterplugin.cpp: The KMyMoney icon is not appropriate for the import CSV action. 2011-05-28 20:14 conet * kmymoney/reports/querytable.cpp: Fix the MSVC build, it seems that there is no platform independent isnan. 2011-05-28 20:52 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycalculator.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneyedit.cpp: BUG: 274070 Don't do hard coded size voodoo anymore I hope this fixes this bug (tested on Linux and Windows). 2011-05-28 21:17 conet * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: BUG: 262120 The code copied from KFileDialog::getSaveFileName needed an update to avoid a crash when prevDir was empty. 2011-05-29 13:37 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/kbalancechartdlg.cpp: BUG: 256927 Draw the y=0 line in the balance chart. 2011-05-29 15:09 conet * kmymoney/dialogs/kbalancechartdlg.cpp: BUG: 256927 Make the balance chart dialog's size persistent but not smaller then 700x500 (the value used until now). 2011-05-31 20:15 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycombo.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycompletion.cpp: BUG: 262707 On Windows when clicking the popup it seems that it is made the active window which causes a FocusOutEvent with the proper reason. So, on Windows, if the focus is lost due to a application window activation don't hide the completer. Also on all version if the focus out reason is window activation don't trigger the category creation code this enables the user to switch windows while typing a category name. This bug is yet another reason to port the account combobox to the QCombobox-QCompleter mechanism. 2011-05-31 20:33 conet * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneylineedit.cpp: BUG: 262707 When returning from a window switch also don't select the edit text. 2011-06-01 10:14 allananderson * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp: When trying to import a category list, each entry produces the message 'Unable to add account: Account has invalid type'. The only option given is 'OK', which produces the same message for the next category. The problem lies in MyMoneyQifReader::processCategoryEntry. An "!extractLine('I').isEmpty()" (or 'E') test is performed. If, as is likely, the line contains only the 'I' or 'E', the test will return empty and no accounts get set up. The test is modified to confirm if either line is detected, empty or otherwise, and then set up accordingly. BUG:274598 REVIEW:6694 2011-06-03 15:45 tbaumgart * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp, kmymoney/kmymoney.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyscheduled.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyscheduled.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyscheduletest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyscheduletest.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplit.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplit.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplittest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplittest.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransaction.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransaction.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactiontest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransactiontest.h: Added a more generic way to modify id references BUG: 274789 2011-06-04 15:18 tbaumgart * libkdchart/src/KDChartCartesianDiagramDataCompressor_p.cpp: Fixed endless loop. Thanks to Marko for finding the problem. The fix has been reported to KDAB for inclusion in the original package. BUG: 256910 2011-06-04 16:05 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/kbalancechartdlg.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/transactioneditor.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvutil.cpp: SVN_SILENT Ran astyle 2011-06-08 19:36 conet * kmymoney/wizards/newloanwizard/keditloanwizard.cpp: BUG: 275234 Allow entering an interest rate with three decimal places when editing the loan just like when creating it. 2011-06-11 13:35 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifprofile.cpp: Don't let "!option:" records interfere with the automatic decimal symbol detection 2011-06-11 13:36 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: Added Serbian Dinar as currency 2011-06-11 13:40 tbaumgart * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Improved wording when transaction editing is cancelled by selecting another transaction in the ledger. GUI: CCMAIL: lu.dolezal@gmail.com 2011-06-11 13:43 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/dialogs/kofxdirectconnectdlg.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofxpartner.cpp: Replace MSN institution listing of OFX banks with that of ofxhome.com. Added some more debug output needed to solve connection problems. 2011-06-12 11:46 tbaumgart * cmake/modules/FindLibOfx.cmake: KMyMoney now requires libOFX 0.9.4 2011-06-12 12:32 tbaumgart * CMakeLists.txt: Bumped version number 2011-06-14 06:11 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/dialogs/konlinebankingsetupwizard.cpp: Make FID an optional field during manual data entry BUG: 266956 2011-06-14 07:21 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/dialogs/konlinebankingstatus.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/dialogs/konlinebankingstatusdecl.ui, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp: Allow to base the payee name from either the PAYEEID, NAME or MEMO field in an OFX transaction BUG: 272712 2011-06-14 07:22 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifprofile.cpp: SVN_SILENT: ran astyle 2011-06-14 11:40 mlaurent * CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp, kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/kmymoneypricedlg.cpp, kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragesql.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp, kmymoney/views/kbudgetview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kpayeesview.cpp, kmymoney/wizards/newloanwizard/knewloanwizard.cpp, libkdchart/src/KDChartAttributesModel.cpp: Make it compiles with "-DQT_USE_FAST_CONCATENATION -DQT_USE_FAST_OPERATOR_PLUS" 2011-06-14 11:44 mlaurent * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/investprocessing.cpp: Add missing i18n 2011-06-14 11:55 pino * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp, kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp, kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp, kmymoney/views/kbudgetview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kpayeesview.cpp: i18n: use a proper string instead of string puzzles 2011-06-14 22:37 cfeck * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/symboltest.cpp: SVN_SILENT compile tests 2011-06-16 14:32 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp: Subscripts are absolutely nonsense in this case. What got me thinking that this could possibly work? BUG: 275777 2011-06-16 17:47 tbaumgart * CMakeLists.txt: Increased version number for next release 2011-06-19 05:34 tbaumgart * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneydateinput.cpp: focusWidget() and d->m_dateEdit is the same object and there is no need to install the eventfilter twice. 2011-06-19 14:06 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/dialogs/kofxdirectconnectdlg.cpp: Dump trace information before starting the KIO job. Hope this helps to solve b.k.o #265889 2011-06-20 22:29 allananderson * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp, kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/investactivities.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/investactivities.h, kmymoney/dialogs/investtransactioneditor.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplit.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplit.h, kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneymvccombo.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/transaction.cpp: During QIF import of investments, categories of the form "Category:Sub-category" are created as a single category with no hierarchy. In mymoneystatementreader.cpp, the routine d->interestId(t_in.m_strInterestCategory)) was found not to recognise a category:sub-category structure already existing, and would create a new category named like 'category:sub-category' without the hierarchy. When the categoryToAccount() routine was substituted, this recognised and found the correct existing sub-account, but did not create one if none existed. MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::nameToId was rewritten to handle category sub-accounts, recognising existing ones and otherwise creating them. Handling of IntInc transactions did not allow for a security to be named, nor for the presence of quantities and prices. Also, it did not allow for a fee to be described as IntInc. To assist with the handling of 'L' records which were indicating a category, changes were made to use any existing brokerage account to supply/receive any monies. If no brokerage account already existed, the record would be left flagged as missing an assignment. This then highlighted a need for the ability to edit IntInc transactions, in order to specify an appropriate import account, and therefore included adding that action type to the UI. 2011-06-22 11:32 tbaumgart * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp: Don't add binary 0's to the IDs. BUG: 276201 2011-07-05 13:09 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragedump.cpp: Dump id and name of budgets 2011-07-05 13:42 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kbudgetview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kbudgetview.h: Renaming a budget did not update the name in the storage Reverting changes did not update the budget value entry area BUG: 276783 2011-07-05 18:06 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfile.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.h: In case an account is added to the engine which does not have a currency assigned we assign the base currency by default. Testcase added. 2011-07-05 19:41 allananderson * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp: BUG:276315 REVIEW:6732 When I re-wrote MyMoneyStatementReader::Private::nameToId(), in order to handle categories with sub-categories, I borrowed some code from KMyMoneyApp::createAccount(), pruning it in the process. What I should not have omitted was the creation of a currencyId for the new category. 2011-07-06 08:32 scripty * developer-doc/phb/kmymoney-developer.desktop, kmymoney/kmymoney.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/kmm_csvimport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/kmm_icalendarexport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kmm_kbanking.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/kmymoneyimporterplugin.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/kmymoneyplugin.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/kmm_ofximport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kmm_printcheck.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/reconciliationreport/kmm_reconciliationreport.desktop: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) 2011-07-06 08:55 tbaumgart * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneymvccombo.cpp: Only copy the complete text from the completion box to the edit widget if the completion box is visible. BUG: 254984 2011-07-08 11:43 tbaumgart * kmymoney/widgets/kmymoneycurrencyselector.cpp: Create a really transparent icon for the currency selector BUG: 277349 2011-07-10 07:15 scripty * developer-doc/phb/kmymoney-developer.desktop, kmymoney/kmymoney.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/kmm_csvimport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/kcm_kmm_icalendarexport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/icalendarexport/kmm_icalendarexport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/kbanking/kmm_kbanking.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/kmymoneyimporterplugin.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/kmymoneyplugin.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/kmm_ofximport.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kcm_kmm_printcheck.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/printcheck/kmm_printcheck.desktop, kmymoney/plugins/reconciliationreport/kmm_reconciliationreport.desktop: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) 2011-07-12 17:16 conet * kmymoney/views/kwelcomepage.cpp: Update the feature list for the next release. 2011-07-14 16:07 conet * kmymoney/plugins/ofximport/ofximporterplugin.cpp: Fix the data validity check in the OFX importer plugin when the user choses to build a Payee using Memo. Patch provided by Łukasz Maszczyński, thanks. CCMAIL: lukasz@maszczynski.net 2011-07-14 17:36 conet * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: BUG: 274913 Use the adjustedNextDueDate() to decide if a scheduled transaction should be entered or not. 2011-07-14 20:27 conet * kmymoney/models/models.cpp, kmymoney/models/models.h: BUG: 274853 Fixed a crash when logging out while KMyMoney is open. Don't hold the models that long until the static cleanup routine runs. 2011-07-17 11:11 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyfiletest.h: Added container for new testcases. They still need to be implemented and are currently skipped. 2011-07-17 11:26 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp: Don't use transactions that reference closed accounts as template for imported ones. 2011-07-17 11:26 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneyqifreader.cpp, kmymoney/models/models.cpp: SVN_SILENT: Ran astyle 2011-07-17 11:31 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoney.cpp: Resolved krazy warning 2011-07-17 11:38 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyaccount.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneykeyvaluecontainer.cpp, kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp: SVN_SILENT: Fixed krazy warnings 2011-07-17 11:49 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyscheduled.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneysplit.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneytransaction.h: SVN_SILENT: Fixed krazy warnings 2011-07-17 12:02 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyreport.cpp: SVN_SILENT: Fixed krazy warnings 2011-07-17 12:08 tbaumgart * kmymoney/dialogs/settings/ksettingsreportsdecl.ui: SVN_SILENT: Fixed krazy warnings 2011-07-18 10:58 allananderson * contrib/csvimporter/InvestmentHOWTO, contrib/csvimporter/README, contrib/csvimporter/SampleIncFund.csv: Remove README as it's no longer relevant. Expand SampleIncFund.csv Add HOWTO for SampleIncFund.csv 2011-07-19 18:14 conet * CMakeLists.txt: Fix typo. 2011-07-21 12:26 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/csvimporterdlg.cpp: BUG:278157 Add missing i18n to tabWidget_Main->setTabText() calls. 2011-07-22 20:59 conet * CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/dialogs/kselecttransactionsdlg.cpp, kmymoney/views/kgloballedgerview.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/register.cpp, kmymoney/widgets/register.h, kmymoney/widgets/stdtransactiondownloaded.h, kmymoney/widgets/stdtransactionmatched.h: Re-enable this warning, disabled from the time of the KDE4 port. Back then there where too many methods like this and they where not fixable. Now the few that remained where fixed including: - rename selectionChanged with transactionsSelected since selectionChanged is a virtual method in the base class with different arguments - remove selectionChanged(void) signal declaration since it was never emitted - ad a correct numRegisterRows implementation where needed for disambiguation and removed other unneeded definitions for the same reason (they did not implement anything extra) 2011-07-22 21:24 conet * CMakeLists.txt, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoney.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneymoney.h, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyobjectcontainer.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneyobjectcontainer.h: Re-enable all the warnings. Removed some ignored const qualifiers - the const qualifier is only ignored for non-class type return values (enum and the pointer - the pointed to object is still const). 2011-07-26 10:25 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneypayee.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneypayeetest.cpp, kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneypayeetest.h: Don't allow empty match strings for payee matching 2011-07-26 10:26 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneypricetest.h: Enable price test cases 2011-07-26 10:28 tbaumgart * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Support processing of multiple statement files at once 2011-07-29 08:55 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp: * Remove match information from split when copying split during transaction import * Add some more trace information to the console output 2011-07-31 15:35 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/mymoneykeyvaluecontainer.cpp: Fixed krazy warning 2011-08-02 18:01 conet * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: If the QIF import fails to start (KProcess::waitForStarted() fails) don't leave the application with all widgets disabled. TODO: after the string freeze ends signal the error properly instead of displaying empty import stats. 2011-08-02 18:18 tbaumgart * CMakeLists.txt, cmake/modules/FindLibalkimia.cmake: Make libalkimia 4.3.1 a requirement 2011-08-02 18:20 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneystoragexml.cpp: Don't ever run KMyMoneyView::fixFile_2() in case file version is increased from the current '2' 2011-08-02 18:35 tbaumgart * kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneydatabasemgr.h, kmymoney/mymoney/storage/mymoneyseqaccessmgr.cpp, kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp, kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.h: Assign a unique ID to each storage (file or database). It must not be changed. 2011-08-03 10:52 tbaumgart * kmymoney/kmymoney.cpp: Make sure to mark a schedule as finished to avoid entering an endless loop BUG: 279275 2011-08-04 07:38 tbaumgart * kmymoney/converter/mymoneystatementreader.cpp, kmymoney/dialogs/transactionmatcher.cpp: Improved debug output for transaction matching 2011-08-04 07:43 tbaumgart * kmymoney/views/kmymoneyview.cpp: SILENT Ran astyle 2011-08-05 12:48 allananderson * kmymoney/plugins/csvimport/convdate.cpp: BUG:279410 Part of the date validation detects an embedded space, treats it as a date field separator and replaces it with a '/' character. If the actual date is prefixed or suffixed with a space, that too is converted to a separator and an invalid date is detected and flagged, causing the import to fail. 2011-08-06 13:26 conet * kmymoney/models/accountsmodel.cpp: BUG: 279470 Update all the model items even if an account is favorite in which case there are two items which correspond to the same account. This is another case of account data change that affects the model layout that was not handled correctly. And extra fix of the AccountsFilterProxyModel::removeAccountType which now really removes the account type even if the type is present in the list more then once (m_typeList should really be a set).