KMyMoney 0.3.2 Release Notes
May 10, 2001
Javier Campos Morales
- Modified the start dialog and added some new icons.
- Modified the startup logo code and redone some of the pictures and icons.
- Changed some of the the startup code in kmymoney2.cpp to reflect the new start dialog.
- Modifed main.cpp to reflect new KDE 2 programming idioms.
Michael Edwardes
- Modified the ui resource file to make the toolbar positioning better.
- Started creating some basic documentation in textual form. Each directory will soon have a readme-<something<.txt file containing basic documentation for that particular directory. It is NOT an attempt at user documentation!
- Made the kmymoney2.desktop file work.
- Removed the start dialog designer ui file from the project.
- Remembered to remove the localised call to createGUI in kmymoney2.cpp:initActions()
- Added the new developers names and emails where needed.
- Made the tree ready for CVS and put it in the online repository.
- Moved this file to Changelog.original so the developers can now use a real Changelog!